Integration Inspires Sustained Behavior Change and Innovation in Kenya

This is a poster that was prepared for the 2013 Water and Health Conference, UNC Water Institute. As a national program, WASHplus developed a WASH-HIV integration kit in English and Swahili that includes a training manual, job aids, and teaching methodology to engage district public health officers and partner NGO institutions working with community health workers and communities to negotiate improved WASH practices with households. WASHplus trained almost •––600 trainers who in turn are training community health extension workers and community health workers to introduce improved WASH practices to vulnerable households across the —˜counties of Kenya using the small doable action methodology.

Publication Type: 
Publication Date: 
May 2013
WASH, WASHplus, FHI 360, USAID, Kenya, behavior change, innovation

fhi360 care Winrock International

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