WASH Nutrition Integration Compendium of Resources

This compendium of WASHplus tools and resources are offered to facilitate WASH and Nutrition at global and country level. It is organized topically. PLEASE OPEN THE OVERVIEW DOCUMENT for an introduction to the compendium.

While WASHplus knows no formula for integration, we offer the following steps based on our country experience in Uganda, Mali, Bangladesh and other settings. WASHplus has articulated the concept of integration on a continuum, providing terminology to describe and facilitate integration. On one end of the continuum is co-location, in which sectoral programs deliberately locate in the same geographic area, reaching the same (vulnerable) target beneficiaries; to sectoral programs that share tools and approaches which heighten collaboration and communication between sectors, and finally to sectoral programs working deliberately together to plan, budget and implement joint programming in two or more sectors. At this final stage the different sectors recognize the value to each sector of integrating and embrace the potential for an even higher level outcome than sectors could attain separately.



WASH and Nutrition: Integrating Water, Sanitation and Hygiene into Nutrition Programming, 2013. Provides an overview of low-cost, high-impact WASH interventions that USAID implementing partners can integrate into nutrition programming. Also available in French.

Improving Nutrition Outcomes with Better Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Practical Solutions for Policies and Programs, 2015. A joint document prepared by WHO, UNICEF, and USAID on how to integrate WASH activities into nutrition programs. This practical publication is geared to nutrition implementers in countries that are looking for ways to extend their achievements in reducing undernutrition.

Integrating WASH and Nutrition: A Learning Brief, 2015. Since 2010, the USAID-funded WASHplus project has been engaged both at the global and country levels in stimulating the discussion and improving the evidence base around integrating WASH into nutrition programming, sharing experiences and approaches to integrating the two sectors. This Learning Brief describes WASHplus country activities in Bangladesh, Mali and Uganda, global knowledge sharing efforts and other WASHplus activities.

The USAID Community of Practice on WASH/Nutrition encourages sharing and collaboration among practitioners interested in this topic.

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene: Essential Components for Food Security, 2013. Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions play critical roles in achieving the major goals of the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative, Feed the Future, which targets the root causes of hunger, poverty, and undernutrition, especially for women and children.

Integrating WASH and Nutrition for Healthy Communities, 2016. Working through CARE Mali, the overall goal of WASHplus in Mali is to improve the nutritional status of 187,000 women of reproductive age and 60,000 of their children (especially those under two) in poor, rural households and communities. 


Training of Trainers for Program Officers or Outreach Supervisors (Bangladesh)

Training for Outreach Workers (One-Day)

Integrating Safe Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene into Infant and Child Nutrition Programmes: A Training and Resource Pack for Uganda, 2014. The back of this resource pack contains a copy of job aids that were developed to assist village health teams, peer educators and their supervisors integrate WASH into ongoing nutrition activities in Uganda. The resource pack is broken into three modules. Module I is designed for health workers. Module I combined with Module II is designed for community level resources persons. Module III is designed for policy stakeholders and decision makers.

Trainer’s Guide to WASH and Nutrition, 2014. This guide (available in French) was developed for the WASH and nutrition activity in Mali

How WASHplus Integrated Nutrition in Mali, 2016. In English and French.


Essential WASH Actions In English and Bangla.

What to do with Infant Poo? In English and Bangla.

How to Make Various Tippy Taps? In English

Set of Job Aids Covering Sanitation, Keeping Water Safe, Food Hygiene, Handwashing, and Making Tippy Taps. In English. Rufimbira. Rukiga

WASH Practices Assessment Cards. Assessment cards to increase hygienic practices and prevent diseases. In English. Rufimbira. Rukiga

Integrating WASH and Nutrition Job Aids. In French.


Why WASH Matters for Improved Child Health, Nutrition & Growth: A Knowledge Sharing Event

WASH and Nutrition Integration and Small Doable Actions. SuSanA WASH and Nutrition Working Group, Stockholm, 2015.

What to Do with Infant Poo? Evidence-Based Programming to Support Safe Disposal of Young Children’s Feces. A presentation at USAID’s Mini-University, 2015.

You Are What You Eat: Why Food Hygiene Matters for Child Growth. A presentation at USAID’s Mini-University, 2015.

Integrated Programming Targeting the Whole Child and Improved Educational Attainment. A presentation at the Comparative and International Education Society Conference, 2015.

Integrating WASH into Nutrition Programs. UNC Water and Health Conference, 2014.

Clean, Fed and Nurtured: Intersectoral Collaboration Beyond Environmental Enteropathy. UNC Water and Health Conference, 2013.

Bangladesh Safe Disposal of Infant and Young Child Feces — Poo’s Final Address. Poster.


The Clean, Fed & NurturedSM Community of Practice brings together practitioners and researchers in WASH, nutrition, and early childhood development to discuss and plan ways to share knowledge and proven approaches, and test and improve integration of programming in these areas to promote optimal growth and development for children 0 to 3 years of age.

Publication Type: 
Publication Date: 
July 2016

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